Travelling is my passion. I have been through over 20 different countries - I lost count after my fourth trip to Europe. As long as the number exceeds my age, I'm satisfied.

I'm an avid backpacker. I don't just want to see the world. I want to experience it.

I travel in a unique way. I have climbed the Great Wall of China in snow, worked on a farm in Normandy, France, and volunteered at an orphanage in Bali, Indonesia.

Backpackers are constantly sharing information, stories, and advice. I'm not doing this because I make money off of it (which I don't) or because I think I know it all (which I definitely don't).

I am simply doing this because it's what I love to do. Enjoy!

Friday, 1 March 2013

It's time for something new.

Hello, folks!
Thank you for tuning in to my travel blog.  I'm not done writing and publishing - I'm just moving URL's!
My new blog has a cleaner, more professional look to it.  It's easier to follow and share.
Happy travels!